miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

Colonial Protests Intensify

Ok, so you have read in the last posts, that the incresing of taxes led to many protests, and upstet colonists. The colonists used three forms to try and avoid paying taxes. they used intelectual protests, which were the panphlets and resolutions. Violent intimidation; angry mobs started destroying the houses of some tax collectors, tarring and featherig, which they would carry out by pouring or paiting hot tar into the tax collectors and then throwing or make them role in feathers. This was very painful for British, but very effective for the colonists. Another form of protesting was boycotts, which meant that they would stop buying goods from them. This technique affected the economy a whole lot. All of these actions surprised a man called John Adams, who got to be the second president of the United States. He was also a distinguished lawyer in Massachusets.

There were many people who tried to give their opinion about this subject. Prominent men like John Loke, Baron de Montesquiew, whose ideas where that the people had the right to protest about waht they thought was not fair, because they were free to say what they thought.
Patrick Henry drafted the "Virginia Resolves" where he argued that only colonial assemblies had the right to tax the colonists. The Virginia House of Burgueses only accepted 4 of these resolves.
Well, since there had been so many protests about the increasing of taxes, the colonies started to unite more and more as American colonies. They called themselves patriots, because they opposed the British taxes. Associations were formed, like the "Sons of Liberty" and the "Daughters of Liberty". The Daughters of Liberty were the women that made clothes, and created some type of manufacturing. (they had to homespun, since they were encouraging boycotts).

Abigail Adams
She was John Adam's wife. She was best known for the letters she sent to her husband asking him to remember all the women that gave up their comfort to help. She fought for women's equality during the war, and was against slavery. She is a very outstanding woman. She used to give her husband advice, and she knew what she believed in, she fought for what she thought was fair. Her and John had 5 children. One of them got to be the 6th president of the united states.

I guess it runs in the family huh?

So, after many attempts from the colonists to make the tax collectors desist, they finally accomplished their goal. The British repelled the Stamp Act in 1766. But hold on, it was not over yet. After this, the Parliament passed another act, saying that they did have the right to levi taxes on the colonists. Here we go again with the vicious circle!

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